Two More Sleeps until Christmas 2024!
This might be the latest we’ve published our Christmas letter! It’s been a flurry of holiday activity around here! Dave spent a lot of time prepping glass goodies for an early-December craft show with Mary, and we spent a weekend at the Christmas market in Fernandina Beach, which was very fun, but cut into prep time! The kids are here now – we’re ready for the Birthday Celebration!
We’ve had an amazing year and hope that 2025 exceeds our expectations! We traveled to see family: Dave & Michelle saw Dave’s mom and sisters in the DC area for our nephew Andrew’s wedding and after, we spent a few days in the capitol for museums and a great dinner with cousins David & Jennifer and Lorie. We also got to see nephew Rob a few times as he came through town while driving bandwagons across the continent, and we were in Las Vegas to see Mike dance.
Eden recently celebrated their one-year work anniversary with HCA, working on the IT service desk. They frequently receive compliments from customers like “You’re my hero!!” and “Wow you type really fast!!!”. Eden is also consistently surprised by the accolades for high productivity they receive without trying too hard. They are still in Gainesville and have moved in with their best friend, bringing the total to 4 people and 2 cats in a laughably small, third-floor apartment. It’s cozy but they love it (except for the lack of counterspace in the kitchen). Happily, the cats (named Boba and Beau - a confusing coincidence) tolerated each other immediately, and have become friendly wrestling opponents and snuggle buddies. We all agree that we’ll hire movers for any of the kids’ future moves.
Eden regularly hangs out with Mike and their mutual friends online, playing video games and Dungeons & Dragons, and they all met up in Orlando for a concert in November. Eden also helped us score more Halloween candy after we cleaned out our local sales – we love living close enough for a quick, half-way meet up. We’ll watch Boba after Christmas when Eden heads to Savannah with Mo and Paige for a mid-holiday get-away!
Mike has become more involved in Aon’s internal training; he’s been facilitating the Q&A for a few years now, but this year he was a presenter on several training calls. He’s also been more involved in recruiting; he guest-lectured at Auburn University and interviewed several students there, too. He’s still got a few more exams to complete, but is nearly finished earning his Fellowship in the Society of Actuaries.
Mike is still coaching the fencers of Georgia Tech’s Yellow Jacket Fencing Club. In April, the team earned third place overall at the Collegiate Fencing Club Championships. The team is looking even stronger since that success, so Mike has high hopes for them next April.
This year Mike participated in the rhythm division of the Fred Astaire World Championships at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. His Cha Cha, Rumba, and East Coast Swing routines received high marks. Michelle & David went to cheer on Mike and his dance partner/instructor Dia. While in Vegas, Mike and Dia also saw Cirque du Soleil “O” thanks to complimentary tickets from a chance meeting with the show’s original choreographer!
On a more serious note, toward the beginning of October, Mike injured his knee at fencing practice. He met with a wonderful orthopedic specialist and recently had surgery to fix up the meniscus tear. He’s been keeping up with the physical therapy and is already nearly back to full mobility. The doctor has already cleared him to ballroom dance again, and Mike expects to be cleared to start fencing and running again within the next few weeks.
Dave has continued with his fused glass art journey, winning accolades at both the Florida State Fair and the Florida Strawberry Festival. He reached expert-level installer after helping Chris & Tami, Mary, and Dawn with laundry room cabinets! Hurricane season kept him busy at work as HCA responded to 3 hurricanes; the worst being Milton. Between coordination calls, we secured our window coverings, tested generators and prepared ourselves and Grandmom & Grandad for high winds and heavy rains. Fortunately, we sustained no damage, and were only without power for 4 days – thankfully the temperatures were mild and our pool was refreshing. Much of the Tampa Bay area experienced flooding and serious damage (including some of our co-workers) and Dave was very involved in the recovery efforts after Largo Hospital flooded, was evacuated and closed. Thankfully, and amazingly, the hospital was successfully re-opened just 37 days later.
The countdown has begun: Michelle plans to retire from Shriners Hospitals for Children in October 2025! This year, she volunteered at the hospital gift shop that Dawn manages and she spent a lot of time organizing and making trips to Goodwill as we try to reduce the clutter! In June, she met up with Stephanie in London and Valerie & Dave in Scotland! It was a last-minute trip with such perfect tour guides! Michelle also got a lot of use out of her Disney World annual pass – making many day trips with Dawn, Tami and, of course, David. She also continued to sort through her parents’ credit card fraud and identity theft.
Dave & Michelle also took a Segway tour of downtown Tampa, crushed a couple of escape rooms, and had a several play days and game nights with Chris & Tami. We try to always have something fun planned with them! And we eager to plan more “Monthly Museum Meet-ups with Mary”.
Kif’s entire family came for Thanksgiving – we’re a mob of 12 when we are all together, and we’re excited that our mob will grow to 13 in February - Faith & Victor are going to be amazing parents.
We are eager for 2025! We’ll see cousins Rich & Angela in January, and in September we are booked on a 7-night cruise with Howard & Susan. It sails from Barcelona and ends in Rome, and we’re planning a few days on either end to explore those cities. Hopefully we’ll see Rob a few times and anyone else who wants to book our guest room – we’d love to see you!
We are so blessed, and each of you add to the richness of our lives – Thank you! And here’s to an awesome 2025!
Character Key:
Stephanie – Michelle’s best friend since 1st grade – they met in the YMCA’s Indian Maidens Program
Chris & Tami – friend since college and his thoughtful wife who has become a great friend too! They moved from southern California to central FL in 2022
Valerie – friend and Lego Camp co-conspirator who moved to Scotland in 2020 to be with her sweetie, Dave
Mary – Dave’s cycling friend, talented leather artist, and crafting accountability partner, “Monthly Museum Club” member
Dawn – mom of Eden’s grade school best friend, manager of St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital gift shop, Disney World passholder
Howard & Susan – friend from Michelle’s Disney days and his dear wife; they are avid travelers
Rob and Andrew are Dave’s sister Susan’s sons; DC cousins are Aunt Mary’s kids; Rich & Angela are Uncle Dick’s son and wife
Mo and Paige – Eden’s amazing former roommate and one of their amazing current roommates